• Sleep Apnea

    Sleep apnea is a sleep disorder that causes a person's breathing to stop during sleep. Patients with sleep apnea can stop breathing up to hundreds of times a night, depriving the brain and body of oxygen. Seeing a family physician and getting a referral to Respiratory Therapist

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    Paul Sweeney, RRT, discusses central sleep apnea.
    Paul Sweeney, RRT, discusses central sleep apnea.
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    Paul Sweeney, RRT, discusses medical conditions associated with sleep apnea.
    Paul Sweeney, RRT, discusses medical conditions associated with sleep apnea.
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    Why am I so Tired : Hypothyroidism Dr. Ronald Goldenberg MD, FRCPC, FACE Endocrinologist
    Why am I so Tired : Hypothyroidism Dr. Ronald Goldenberg MD, FRCPC, FACE Endocrinologist
  • What is Obstructive Sleep Apnea?

    Obstructive sleep apnea is a condition where when someone sleeps at night, as their body is going into the deeper stages of sleep, the muscles around their throat relax, and subsequently the tissue can collapse, the jaw can fall down and block the throat, or the tongue can fall back.

    People with obstructive sleep apnea can wake up repeatedly at night because of this blockage of their airway and their breathing. If you think you have obstructive sleep apnea, the easiest thing to do is go talk to your family physician, and you can do a simple sleep test at home or your doctor can refer you to a sleep specialist and you can actually sleep overnight in a hospital to test you for this sleep disorder. If you have questions about obstructive sleep apnea, contact a local sleep specialist. Often seeing a local family physician or a physiotherapist in conjunction with a registered dietitian and athletic therapist is a great option to take control of this condition. Smart Food Now and exercise is also optimal for overall health.    Presenter: Mr. Paul Sweeney, Sleep Specialist, Vancouver, BC

    Now health Network Local Practitioners: Local Family Physicians

  • What is Central Sleep Apnea?

    Central sleep apnea is a condition that is a lot less common than obstructive sleep apnea, but what happens is a person's brain essentially forgets to tell their lungs to breathe. So subsequently a person stops breathing at night and repetitively wakes up from their sleep. This is quite common in people with cardiac issues, people that have had strokes, or people that are on narcotic-based or opiates at night.


    So if you think you have central sleep apnea, the easiest thing to do is talk to your family physician, and in certain situations a referral to a sleep specialist would be appropriate to look at this type of condition. And that's as easy as going to a sleep specialist who will do a test where you sleep in a hospital overnight and they can test you. Presenter: Mr. Paul Sweeney, Sleep Specialist, Vancouver, BC

    Local Practitioners: Sleep Specialist

  • How does Weight Factor into Sleep Apnea

    Weight loss is definitely something that can help treat sleep apnea.Some studies have shown up to 78% of people with obesity or morbid obesity can have sleep apnea. So by reducing your weight, sometimes its the hardest thing, but it can relieve some of the weight around your abdomen and your neck and lower your incidence of sleep apnea.

    If you think your weight might be causing sleep apnea, contact your general practitioner, dietitian or nutritionist. Unfortunately weight loss can be the hardest thing to do but it is the one thing that can potentially cure sleep apnea as a treatment.
    As opposed to the alternatives, which are more of a long term solution, whereas weight loss can actually rectify the problem.If you have questions about weight as a factor for sleep apnea, contact a local sleep specialist. Presenter: Mr. Paul Sweeney, Sleep Specialist, Vancouver, BC

    Local Practitioners: Family Physicians

Obesity Now

Obesity Now
